2009年10月4日 星期日

Eddie's Bar重新開張

According to a posting on IRON MAIDEN's official web site, Eddie's Bar — the Santa Barbara De Nexe, Portugal bar owned by IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris — is "only closing for the winter and will re-open again May 2010 for the summer months, May - September."

A posting on Eddie's Bar's official MySpace profile previously indicated that the bar would be "closing down for good at the end of September." (The posting has since been removed from the page.)

The bar opened in 1989 with Manu Da Silva, a former roadie for IRON MAIDEN, as manager. After Manu's death in 2005, the bar closed and reopened in July 2006 with new managers Dave Sullivan and Terry Rance — both of whom played guitar in the first-ever IRON MAIDEN lineup — and Jeff Daniels, who was a MAIDEN roadie in the 1970s.

The bar features many props used during past MAIDEN tours, like sarcophagi from the World Slavery Tour 1984/85, Steve Harris' bass, Nicko McBrain's cymbals and signed records, photos and posters of the band. Heavy metal videos are played during the bar's opening hours.



【Eddie's Bar歇業】
由鐵媽媽團長Steve Harris投資,早期團員加上巡迴的工作人員一同在葡萄牙Santa Barbara自從1989年開始營業的重金屬酒吧Eddie's Bar在日前宣布歇業,但並未交代其原因。1989年開始都由前巡迴工作人員Manu Da Silva負責酒吧日常經營,在2005年Manu辭世,酒吧關門。不過在2006年七月鐵媽媽第一任的吉他手Dave Sullivan與Terry Rance接手負責經營重新開張。約三年後的前些日子,宣布關閉。

Eddie's Bar當然免不了在店裡陳設鐵媽媽的相關紀念品,並在營業時間播放重金屬音樂影帶。可惜他們沒在英國開設分店,不然我也想去逛逛,呼呼~


Everybody knows about the IRON MAIDEN thing [in 2005 when Sharon Osbourne and other people threw eggs at the band], the eggs and all that shit. We were really young when we did that tour. Of course, we were smartasses and we put IRON MAIDEN shirts on and IRON MAIDEN flags on our amps. They didn't like that. We didn't give a shit, we still don't give a shit.

Maybe [Ozzfest will] come back next year, but I don't know how it's going to compete with [Mayhem] festival. I think this festival is going to kill it.

"We had to formally apologize or something, it's like fuck you! How about this, how about I formally say fuck you to Ozzfest. Formal! We don't want to play your shitty festival!

【Flight 666製作團隊接受專訪】
隨著DVD熱銷,加上之前Headbanger's Journey, Global Metal廣受好評,加拿大導演Scot McFadyen 與Sam Dunn兩人儼然成為重金屬紀錄片的大師級人物,所以專訪邀約不斷。最近,他們接受QTV專訪,當然再度談到了鐵媽媽成功的原因在於他們工作的紀律以及謙卑的態度,即使在沒有暢銷金曲加持下,他們依舊能在現在開動輒四五萬人的演唱會,同時也談到鐵媽媽團員也驚訝於他們自己本身歲數漸長,到場的樂迷卻依舊如二十年前一樣年輕。這都證明了,他們的演出並不僅僅是一種懷舊情懷所驅動,而是他們音樂在現在數位(海賊)時代能經得起時間的考驗,並呼應了樂迷對於高品質演唱會體驗的需求。


扯個題外話,Dunn與McFadyen獲得加拿大前衛金屬國寶Rush的首肯,準備拍攝Rush的紀錄片,呼呼,又是一張值得期待的重金屬紀錄片。(什麼時候會輪到Dream Theater?)